Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You're moving to INDIA!

Ever have a phone call come in and you have to ask "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??" Well about a month ago I got that phone call! My husband called one day while I was driving and on the other end of the line I heard, "How do you feel about living in India?" I have to admit the thought had crossed my mind about us moving overseas, but never had I imagined we would be moving so quickly nore did I imagine we would be moving to India of all places. At first I did what about 75% of Americans would do and started coming up with the bad things I had heard about India. The list was growing and growing and my outlook was looking worse. I was not sure this was a place I ever wanted to visit let alone live. I had never really done any research or actually tried to learn anything. My thoughts were..."It's close to the war!, Will it be like Slumdog Millionaire, and everyone be poor?, Is it going to be safe? What about the people?". It just went on and on. After I made it home that day I sat down and started doing some research on India and the city we were moving to (now are moving to), Mumbai. It slowly started to look better, and I started to have some of those issues resolved. I found that we would be an area where there is an American school, we would be living in an amazing apartment, have a driver, maid, nanny...wait where is the bad part about this again? I think it was the maid (and the money) that eventually won me over. I have done A LOT of research on the area and India in general. I've asked questions of Expats currently living in India and even some that have moved back here. So far I've found only 3 problems with our move...1. It rains about 93 inches in 3 months (June through early September), 2. My stomach will have even more issues than it already does, and 3. I will live on the other side of the world from family and friends. Three issues is not too bad for a family of 4 moving to a country that they've never even visited before. I have to admit the closer the time comes the more excited I get. I think this will be an adventure my family will remember forever!
~Expat Wife

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About Me

I'm a mom of two beautiful children and I'm married to my best friend...we've been married 10 years but we've been together 11.5. We are currently an Expat family living in Mumbai, India.
